Visit our site for updates on opening for the 2023-21 academic year, including information on the move-in process, and campus health, safety and prevention of COVID-19.
College to Celebrate Class of 2023 Virtually
Graduates will be recognized at five school-specific celebrations.

Improvising a Solution
IC alumnus sells masks in New Orleans to help artists in Africa.

Good Faith Conversations
Office of Religious and Spiritual Life launches program to promote interfaith dialogue.

IC Student Media Take Home Awards
苹果Facebook等科技公司向打击种族不公的团体捐款 - Apple ...:2021-6-2 · 在乔治-弗洛伊德之死引发全美骚乱后,苹果、Facebook和YouTube都承诺向对抗种族不公的团体捐款。据彭博社报道,在一伇给苹果员工的备忘录中,CEO ...
Over the past weeks, current IC students, alumni, faculty, and staff have all gone above and beyond to make a difference in the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Zack Ford
Music Education

Tara Lynch

Faculty & Staff
School of Humanities & Sciences

New students connect with the IC and Ithaca communities through service, leadership, outdoor adventure, and sustainability.

Startup Demo Day
Student entrepreneurs showcase their brilliant business ideas and compete for $5,000 in startup funding.
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Facts & Stats
Hands-On Spaces
Studios, stages, clinics, and laboratories help you hone your craft, whether you’re in the arts, health fields, business, media, or sciences.
消息称不同版本的iPhone 12刘海尺寸一致 LiDAR仅配备于6 ...:11 小时前 · YouTube频道EverythingApplePro的创建者今天早上在Twitter上引起了一场iPhone12泄密小风暴,他声称所谓的"iPhone12"的CAD图像表明,一些泄露者之前报告 ...
App Store 上的“TestFlight”:2021-12-11 · TestFlight 可让您轻松测试 iOS、Apple TVOS 和 watchOS App 的 Beta 版本,并在开发者将 App 发布到 App Store 前为他伊提供有价值的反馈。若要成为测试者,只需按照开发者的公共链接或其发送给您的电子邮件邀请中的链接操作即可。TestFlight 会打开,伍便您接受邀请,然后安装开发者的 App。 测试 Beta 版App 时 ...
Waterfalls Near Campus
Natural splendor is never in short supply in Ithaca, including cascading water. "Ithaca is gorges” for a reason.